
New beach protection rules for 2024

Beach protection dispensation retrospectively

Navigate through the process of appealing beach protection waiver denials

Exemption from beach protection

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What exactly is a hidden defect in a house?
Many people have heard of this hidden error thing, but many do not know exactly what it means.
For a defect to be considered a hidden defect, the defect must have existed at the time of purchase. As for "hidden errors", they should also not have been detectable. If you then look at the house's condition, age and price, the fault should also not have been expected. In addition, it is often said that the hidden error should affect the market value.
With us, the first contact is always free of charge.
Should you give someone a power of attorney to enter into an agreement or act on your behalf? Then there are certain things that are good to think about. A power of attorney can be both written and oral, although in some cases it is required to be in writing.
A written power of attorney should be signed by the person giving the power of attorney, and the power of attorney must state who is the person giving the power of attorney and who is the holder of the power of attorney, as well as what the power of attorney covers. With regard to the power of attorney's ability to bind the power of attorney in agreements with third parties, a distinction is made between authorization and authority, i.e. what the power of attorney can and may do. When the act to which the power of attorney refers has been carried out, you should revoke the power of attorney and take back any written document.
If you have questions about powers of attorney or if you want help setting up a power of attorney, we are happy to assist you with this.
Are you going to rent a venue, box space or similar?
Then think about regulating in a written agreement what applies with regard to e.g. notice period, what happens in the event of a breach of contract, what obligations each party has and what compensation is to be paid.We are happy to assist you in drawing up an agreement and review the risks.
Link to source:
Civil marriage can be chosen by everyone. Such marriages are officiated by special civilian marriage officiants appointed by the county administrative board.
Before the wedding, you must apply for an obstacle assessment at the Swedish Tax Agency.
Link to source: https://skatteverket.se/privat/folkbokforing/aktenskapochpartnerskap/forevigselnhindersprovning.4.76a43be412206334b89800020477.html
Canceling a purchase means that you return the item that you bought and that you get the money back. You have the right to cancel a purchase if the error is essential for you as a buyer and the seller has not been able to fix the item or give you a new item.
If you have questions about cancellation or anything else, please feel free to contact us.
Have you found your dream horse and is it now time to buy?
Consider carrying out an inspection before you buy the horse. An inspection can feel like a boring expense, but in the long run it can be an investment compared to the costs you can otherwise incur if the horse turns out to have a fault after the purchase.
If it is also a slightly more expensive horse, we recommend that you carry out an examination where the horse is X-rayed.
Good luck with your horse purchase!
You are always welcome to contact us for a free initial conversation